Friday, February 2, 2007

porn on your phone!!

I heard on the radio the other day that Telus is now allowing porn to be downloaded on their cell phones and access is as easy as downloading a game or a ringtone. Common, like these things haven't already taken control of our lives. When I had my cell phone I was so dependant on it, and wouldn't go anywhere without it. I'd rather have lost my wallet than my cellphone. Aren't cellphones distracting enough with people talking and texting while their driving, or while their in classes? Soon people won't even have to open their mouths anymore, communication will be through email and texting. That's not really the issue at hand though however porn on your phone has opened a ton of issues for me when it comes to cellphones. Enough is enough. Now your 12 yr old child can have access to porn without you even knowing. Whatever happened to cellphones being convienent calling in and calling out. Now they are considered a necessity and if you don't have one people look at you like....get with the times...... But if I remember correctly in church youth group a cellphone these days would be a material idol. More focus on the phone than on God himself!!! Dave and I got ride of our phones when we got married. Cost was an issue but also we found that the only reason that we really needed them was to talk to eachother....everyone else can wait....sorry guys! I'm not trying to say that people should boycott Telus or anyother phone company. If you want a cell that's your choice. One question...when was the last time that you turned it off or left it at home so that you could spend time with people without being interupted? Probably a while ago. When I had my cell not a chance!!! This is my challenge. If you find that you are one of those people who has become so dependant on your phone, and can't be without without it even for only a day! Seems to me that it is opening easy access to temptation, and a way to easily put something that's material before things that really matter. What really matters to you?
On a side note I must address that not all people who have cell phones are wrapped up in them. My parents have phones that are only turned on when they are on the road.